100% verified and certified international Renewable Energy Certificates

The Flo Commitment

Flo certificate icon with stars.

What does this mean?

When you choose our Flo Business Fixed plan, we match your energy usage with international Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to support ongoing renewable generation globally. This means you are helping renewable generators around the world produce more renewable energy while getting bang for your buck.
Diagram showcasing how renewable energy certificates work with icons

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

When a global renewable energy generator produces one megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy, it receives one international REC. We purchase these international RECs to match our customers’ usage and redeem them on their behalf. Through this process, generators are incentivised to produce more renewable energy, thanks to Flo customers.
Flo buys international RECs that are certified and accredited by trusted global registries, such as I-REC by the International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-Track) and TIGR by APX. These registries provide robust attribute tracking standards, ensuring our RECs are legitimate.

Let’s break it down

Cream tote bag with three renewable energy certificates sticking out of it


We purchase international RECs to match your electricity usage.
Hand holding a marker putting a tick on a renewable energy certificate icon


We surrender those international RECs on your behalf
Macbook laptop with a mail icon on yellow background


We’ll send an annual update showing your contribution to the global renewable energy movement through your energy plan with Flo.


Flo Energy Australia Pty Ltd

1800 573 388


Flo Energy AU

Flo Energy SG

Acknowledgement to Country

Flo Energy Australia acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work.

©2024 Flo Energy Australia Pty Ltd

ABN 59 664 209 330